
The entire Propice team would like to thank the users of our site. User privacy is important to our business. Users of the site will find in the privacy policy all the rules that we implement when we process information relating directly or indirectly to any user or buyer.

By visiting our site, Internet users acknowledge being bound by our privacy policy, which may be modified or updated at any time without notice.

If the modifications concern elements for which the consent of Internet Users had been required, our company will inform the users of this in order to obtain their consent again.

Our confidentiality policy informs Internet users of the conditions of use of their personal data when they visit the site www.propice-paris.com or when they place an order.


 The personal data communicated accessible to the marketing and sales departments of the Propice brand.

Unless legal provisions impose a specific retention period, our brand retains the personal data of users, buyers:

- up to five 5 years after an order, and invoices for ten 10 years.

- up to three 3 years from the last contact since the use of the contact form;

- up to three 3 years from the posting of the notice or until the notice is removed from the site.


Users have the following rights over their personal data: the right to access, modify and request the deletion of their personal data, the right to obtain communication of it in a structured and readable format (unless prevented legit). Users can also ask our company to limit the processing of their personal data, or oppose processing, including in the event of commercial prospecting or profiling.

Users can lodge a complaint with the CNIL and define directives relating to their digital will.

When users have given their consent to our company, they can withdraw it at any time, it being specified that any previous processing of their personal data will remain lawful.

Users may also object, at any time, to the processing of their data for prospecting purposes, in particular by telephone.

For this, users can register on "Bloctel".

For any question relating to the protection of their personal data, or to exercise their rights, users can send an email to the address contact@propice-paris.com or write to the following postal address: Charlinès Cosmetics – 11 , rue des Belles Feuilles 75116 Paris.

In accordance with the applicable regulations, our company will have one month to respond to any request, subject to a possible extension, and reserves the right to oppose any request considered abusive due to its repetitive nature.

Our company is responsible for processing the personal data of users.

We use the personal data of users in accordance with Law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, known as " Data processing and Freedoms " as well as Regulation (EU) n ° 2016 /679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data applicable since May 25, 2018 (together, the "Applicable Regulations").

Our company is committed to collecting and processing users' personal data in a fair, lawful manner and respecting their rights and collects personal data for the following purposes:

The provision of the site in particular, the possible opening of user accounts, the proper management of purchaser orders and the commercial relationship arising therefrom, the management of a purchaser's complaints, for example in the event of late delivery or in the event of delivery that does not comply with the order, the management of user contact requests (legal basis: GTC which binds users to our brand).

- Management of buyer reviews. Personal data is, in this case, collected on the basis of the legitimate interest of our brand.

- Sending newsletters and promotional offers. Personal data is processed on the basis of the user's consent.

- Site security. Personal data is, in this case, processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of our brand.

- The improvement of the site and the user experience on the basis of the legitimate interest of our brand.

- Responses to the legal and regulatory obligations of our brand.

- Targeted advertising, Propice uses the data necessary for this purpose on the basis of the user's consent.

- Management of the loyalty program of the Propice brand.

- The prevention of fraud and the management of any disputes.

- The necessary data is kept within the framework of the legitimate interest of the brand.


Users must accurately, sincerely and truthfully provide our brand with their personal data.

When creating an account or using the site, our brand may collect the following data:

- The identity of the buyer: his surname and first names, contact details (email and postal address, telephone number).

- Data relating to orders, in particular the transaction and order number, details of purchases, data relating to invoices and any product returns.

- The data relating to the means of payment of the buyers, in particular the bank card number, the date of expiry of the bank card and the visual cryptogram. This data is only collected by our brand's payment providers.

- The data necessary to carry out loyalty actions, promotional offers and targeted advertising, in particular the history of purchases and the pages visited on the site.

- The details of the collection form of the site used by the user or the opinion left by a buyer on the site and relating to a product.

This data is collected when a user uses the site to place an order, create an account or use the site's contact forms.


Our company may transmit the personal data of users and buyers to several recipients, and in particular: to the brand's marketing and sales departments in order to ensure the management of orders and the monitoring of the commercial relationship with buyers, as well as the product advertising;

to third-party vendors and service providers, including:

- Shopify, is the e-commerce solution used for the site. To learn more about Shopify's use of your personal information, see https://www.shopify.com/legal/privacy

- OVH, which is the host of the site, whose servers have personal data that may be hosted outside the European Union by OVH.
- Online advertising providers such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Pinterest Ads, Microsoft advertising, Criteo, through the cookies that our brand uses, in accordance with the site's cookie policy.

We undertake not to communicate, assign or transfer personal data to third parties without the consent of the users except in the case where they should be communicated to the judicial and administrative authorities on legal requisitions.

Contact us if you wish to obtain more information on our privacy practices, if you have any questions or any complaints, please contact us by e-mail at contact@propice-paris.com

Charlinès Cosmetics SAS - 11, rue des Belles Feuilles 75116 Paris - France

Manager: Hervé Zeller